Track: Mobility

Tue 05
Ceremonies | SMART CITY EXPO


05-11-2024 09:30 05-11-2024 10:15 Europe/Madrid LIVE, MOVE & BUILD BETTER Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
09:30h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Keynote Session: Erion Veliaj

Erion Veliaj
Erion Veliaj City of Tirana Speaker

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

05-11-2024 10:30 05-11-2024 10:45 Europe/Madrid Keynote Session: Erion Veliaj

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
10:30h - 10:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

The interconnected nature of mobility and liveable spaces

Jana Heese
Jana Heese Digital Hub Mobility by UnternehmerTUM Consultant Speaker

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

05-11-2024 10:45 05-11-2024 11:05 Europe/Madrid The interconnected nature of mobility and liveable spaces

Insights on parking management space innovation.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
10:45h - 11:05h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Exploring how new urban interventions can improve mobility and liveability

Anniina Autero
Anniina Autero City of Tampere Head of Development Speaker
Malin Andersson
Malin Andersson Drive Sweden / Lindholmen Science Park Director Speaker
Veronica Bellonzi
Veronica Bellonzi City of Milan City Mobility Director Speaker

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

05-11-2024 11:05 05-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Exploring how new urban interventions can improve mobility and liveability

Pan-European perspectives on the path to liveable cities.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:05h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Solution talk

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

05-11-2024 12:30 05-11-2024 12:40 Europe/Madrid Solution talk

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
12:30h - 12:40h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Autonomous technologies for improved mobility

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

05-11-2024 12:40 05-11-2024 13:20 Europe/Madrid Autonomous technologies for improved mobility

Presentations on the role of autonomous vehicles in mobility systems.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
12:40h - 13:20h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

What makes a city a good test bed for sustainable mobility innovation?

Mireia Gilibert
Mireia Gilibert EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Lifecycle Officer Moderator/Presenter
Minna Torppa
Minna Torppa Forum Virium Helsinki Programme Director, Smart Mobility Speaker
Elena Deambrogio
Elena Deambrogio Comune di Torino Head of Smart City, Innovation and EC Projects Unit Speaker
Nick Tyler
Nick Tyler UCL Centre for Transport Studies Director Speaker
Paula Ramos
Paula Ramos Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia Coordinator of Urban Planning Agency Speaker
Xan Albrecht
Xan Albrecht City of Ghent Traffic Researcher Speaker

#Intelligent Transport Systems, #Zero-Emission

05-11-2024 12:45 05-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid What makes a city a good test bed for sustainable mobility innovation?

What are the key ingredients that are needed to turn a city into effective mobility innovation lab? This session will explore the essential components that transform a city into an optimal test bed for sustainable mobility innovation.

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
12:45h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora

Current and future use cases for urban air mobility

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

05-11-2024 13:20 05-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Current and future use cases for urban air mobility

Roundtable navigating the different contexts of urban air mobility deployment.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
13:20h - 14:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

A smart and green city is no rocket science

Sascha Pallenberg
Sascha Pallenberg Speaker

#Future of Mobility, #Rocket Science, #Smart Green City, #Taipei, Taiwan

05-11-2024 14:00 05-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid A smart and green city is no rocket science

In a world of ever-evolving technology, we tend to look for the next big thing to transform our urban environments. But is it really about the latest tech, or do we just need a more holistic approach when it comes to the smart and green city of the future? Join Mr. Sascha Pallenberg as he takes us on a journey to Taipei, Taiwan, where they’ve created a smart, green city that citizens love living in, showing that a sustainable future is within our reach.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
14:00h - 14:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

The power of ecosystems: solving urban mobility challenges through cross-sector collaboration

Normunds Popens
Normunds Popens European Commission - Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Director General Speaker
Gil Nadais
Gil Nadais BIKiNNOV - Bike Value Innovation Center Association Speaker
Raed Kadri
Raed Kadri Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) Speaker
Mohamed Ali Al Shorafa
Mohamed Ali Al Shorafa Department of Municipalities and Transport Speaker

#Cities, #Corporates, #Governments, #Research, #Start-ups

05-11-2024 14:30 05-11-2024 15:15 Europe/Madrid The power of ecosystems: solving urban mobility challenges through cross-sector collaboration

Efficient collaborating across sectors is key to unlock the potential of mobility innovations. In this session, speakers will exchange about the impact of ecosystems in deploying the technologies needed to address mobility challenges. The panel will reflect on the roles and responsibilities of private and public decision-makers in rolling out successful innovation ecosystems.

How can innovation ecosystems solve our mobility challenges? What are the roles and responsibilities of decision-makers within, and towards, these ecosystems?

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
14:30h - 15:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Keynote Session

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

05-11-2024 15:45 05-11-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid Keynote Session

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
15:45h - 16:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Electric scooters: a true revolution in our cities

Rita Marzoa
Rita Marzoa AMTU - Associació de municipis per la Mobilitat i el Transport Urbà Director of Communications Moderator/Presenter
Gorka Pradas
Gorka Pradas FEVEMP Vice President Speaker
Sílvia Casorrán
Sílvia Casorrán Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona / RedBici Sustainable Mobility Expert Speaker
Sergi Milan
Sergi Milan EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Advisory Officer Speaker

#Batteries, #E-scooters, #First/Last Mile, #Shared Mobility

05-11-2024 15:45 05-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Electric scooters: a true revolution in our cities

Electric scooters and other PLEVs have come to stay in our cities and surroundings. They are efficient, economic, comfortable and sustainable, and so did citizens agree, having more than 5 milion PLEV users in Spain and 2.5 million in France.

How can we take advantage of this revolution in order to support a modal change to these sustainable vehicles? Several experts in the sector will talk about this from different perspectives!

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora

Considering the mobility needs of all users

Hugo Furtado
Hugo Furtado Dreamwaves President/CEO/Owner Speaker
Claudia Falkinger
Claudia Falkinger POINT& Speaker

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

05-11-2024 16:00 05-11-2024 16:20 Europe/Madrid Considering the mobility needs of all users

Insights into more diverse, equitable and inclusive transport systems.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
16:00h - 16:20h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Addressing underrepresentation and transport poverty in the sustainable mobility transition

Andrea Gorrini
Andrea Gorrini Fondazione Transform Transport ETS Localidad Speaker
Orlie Gruper
Orlie Gruper Women in Mobility President/CEO/Owner Speaker
Christiane Malina
Christiane Malina City of Hasselt Head of Department of Mobility Speaker
Oliver May-Beckmann
Oliver May-Beckmann MCube - Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions Speaker

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

05-11-2024 16:20 05-11-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid Addressing underrepresentation and transport poverty in the sustainable mobility transition

A panel discussion exploring ideas for fairer mobility systems.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
16:20h - 17:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Wed 06

Driving change: the role of vehicle fleets in the sustainable mobility transition

Carlos Sierra
Carlos Sierra EMT MADRID Speaker
Juliane Martinius
Juliane Martinius The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Head of Division Transport Development and Strategies Speaker

#Corporate Mobility, #Mass Transit, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission

06-11-2024 10:15 06-11-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Driving change: the role of vehicle fleets in the sustainable mobility transition

The successful deployment of zero-emission technologies, both at vehicle and infrastructure level, heavily depend on their adoptions by private and public vehicle fleets. This panel will reflect on the importance of fleets to accelerate the adoption of cleaner forms of mobility and will explore the role of fleets in supporting transformational mobility innovations.

How will public and private vehicle fleets evolve in tomorrow's mobility? What role will they play in the sustainable urban mobility transition?

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
10:15h - 11:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Solution talk

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

06-11-2024 11:00 06-11-2024 11:10 Europe/Madrid Solution talk

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:00h - 11:10h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Planning for active mobility in cities

Alan Murphy
Alan Murphy Smart Dublin Manager Speaker
Michiel Penne
Michiel Penne City of Antwerp Coordinator Smart Ways to Antwerp Speaker

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

06-11-2024 11:10 06-11-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Planning for active mobility in cities

A discussion on designing cities for walkability and cycling.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:10h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Measuring and promoting active mobility

Paloma Nieri
Paloma Nieri CARNET Urban Planning Project Manager Speaker
Henk Swarttouw
Henk Swarttouw European Cycling Federation Speaker
Anne de Koster
Anne de Koster City of The Hague Speaker

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

06-11-2024 11:30 06-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Measuring and promoting active mobility

Panel debate on actions to improve active mobility.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:30h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Keynote Session: Stefano Borgato

Stefano Borgato
Stefano Borgato TRT (Transporti e Territorio) Transport Planner and Policy Analyst Speaker

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

06-11-2024 13:00 06-11-2024 13:15 Europe/Madrid Keynote Session: Stefano Borgato

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
13:00h - 13:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Challenges and opportunities for public transport in Central and Eastern Europe

Jaromir Beranek
Jaromir Beranek City of Prague Chairman of the International Relations Committee Speaker
Dmytro Petsiy
Dmytro Petsiy Lviv City Council Director Speaker

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

06-11-2024 13:15 06-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Challenges and opportunities for public transport in Central and Eastern Europe

A focused dialogue on the experiences and insights from Central and Eastern European cities

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
13:15h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Keynote Session

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

06-11-2024 13:30 06-11-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Keynote Session

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
13:30h - 13:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Driving the Change: Accelerating Connectivity & Green Initiatives for Mobility

Robert Borzillo
Robert Borzillo CTIA Smart Cities Initiative Moderator/Presenter
Brandon Branham
Brandon Branham City of Peachtree Corners Assistant City Manager and Chief Technology Officer Speaker
Tiana McNeil
Tiana McNeil T-Mobile Program and Business Development Director Speaker
Lorand Mozes
Lorand Mozes Flashnet SA Chief Executive Officer Speaker

#Connectivity, #Energy Transition, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Smart Traffic Management

06-11-2024 13:45 06-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Driving the Change: Accelerating Connectivity & Green Initiatives for Mobility

Join 'Driving the Change' to explore how US telecom, utilities, and transit agencies are transforming transportation with green initiatives and enhanced connectivity. Learn about electrification of transportation, innovative traffic strategies, and emission-reducing lighting. Discover how communities are achieving scalability, responsiveness, and resiliency through advanced wireless deployments today.

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora

Exploring public transport system innovations

Ian Catlow
Ian Catlow London's European Office Head of Office Speaker
Vibeke Harlem
Vibeke Harlem Ruter As Director of Radical Innovations Speaker

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

06-11-2024 13:45 06-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Exploring public transport system innovations

Best practices and learnings from innovations in public transport

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Latest insights and learnings in the implementation of Low Emission Zones

Yann Simon
Yann Simon EIT Urban Mobility Agile Innovation Manager Moderator/Presenter
John David Babyack Hernandez
John David Babyack Hernandez Libelium Environmental Global Sales Manager Speaker
Cleto Carlini
Cleto Carlini Municipality of Bologna Director of the Public Works, Green Spaces and Mobility Departme Speaker

06-11-2024 14:45 06-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Latest insights and learnings in the implementation of Low Emission Zones

Urban vehicle access regulations (UVAR) serve to reduce traffic-borne emissions which are the cause of a significant number of premature deaths and health related economic costs, as well as reduced congestion and increased safety. This session would look at UVAR from two perspectives - from the latest technologies and solutions on the market and from the implementation/lessons learned from cities.

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora

Public and private collaboration to create better future transport systems for cities

Rikesh Shah
Rikesh Shah Connected Places Catapult Speaker

#Future Cities, #Innovation, #Partnerships, #Procurement

06-11-2024 15:00 06-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Public and private collaboration to create better future transport systems for cities

With ever decreasing budgets, greater citizen expectations, social inequality challenges, and the pressure cities are facing with the climate emergency, the role of transport to support economic growth and further supporting healthier cities, there needs to be a transformative shift on how cities work with the market to move to sustainable collaborative partnerships and avoid low-level transactional activity.

Rikesh Shah, a global leader on open innovation will make the case on how cities can shape markets and work in collaboration to develop innovative solutions to achieve better, cheaper and quicker public policy outcomes. He previously led Open Innovation at Transport for London.

If you are a public body or an innovative start-up, academic, venture capitalists or accelerator, listen to Rikesh's challenge to all of us.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
15:00h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Innovative approaches to charging infrastructure

Marc Arjona Alonso
Marc Arjona Alonso Bia Power Manager Speaker
Branco Calleja Garcia
Branco Calleja Garcia YUP Mobility President/CEO/Owner Speaker

#Batteries, #Circular Value Chain, #Green Hydrogen, #Vehicle-To-Grid

06-11-2024 15:30 06-11-2024 15:50 Europe/Madrid Innovative approaches to charging infrastructure

Solutions to improve electric vehicle users’ charging experience.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
15:30h - 15:50h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Experiences and takeaways from the deployment of e-mobility in cities

Sílvia Valero
Sílvia Valero Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) Manager Speaker
Michael Ruprecht
Michael Ruprecht e-Mobil BW - State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Head of Mobility System Speaker
Jonas Eriksson
Jonas Eriksson Business Region Gothenburg Head Of Department Speaker
Heiko Seitz
Heiko Seitz PwC Speaker

#Batteries, #Circular Value Chain, #Green Hydrogen, #Vehicle-To-Grid

06-11-2024 15:50 06-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Experiences and takeaways from the deployment of e-mobility in cities

A discussion on the rollout of urban e-mobility ecosystems.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
15:50h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS

Patinetes eléctricos y otros VMP: Retos de cara al futuro en España y Europa

#E-scooters, #First/Last Mile

06-11-2024 16:00 06-11-2024 19:00 Europe/Madrid Patinetes eléctricos y otros VMP: Retos de cara al futuro en España y Europa

The Spanish Federation of Personal Electric Vehicles organises a roundtable where different agents from all concerning sectors related to mobility take part: citizens, legal, political and mobility. Within this roundtable targeted to interested politicians in Spain and Europe, we will discover the opportunities that PEVs have regarding the particular, professional and touristic use. We will deep in the current regulations for them in Spain.

Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13B+C
16:00h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13B+C

Keynote Session

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

06-11-2024 16:45 06-11-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Keynote Session

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
16:45h - 17:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Key concepts for improving urban last-mile deliveries

Georgia Ayfantopoulou
Georgia Ayfantopoulou CERTH Speaker
Jamie Saab
Jamie Saab WOLT Speaker

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

06-11-2024 17:00 06-11-2024 17:20 Europe/Madrid Key concepts for improving urban last-mile deliveries

Innovative solutions for faster, cleaner and more cost-effective deliveries.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
17:00h - 17:20h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Future challenges and opportunities for city logistics

Payal Pandya
Payal Pandya Dublin City Council Business Analyst and Project Manager Speaker
Daniel Rudmark
Daniel Rudmark Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) Research Lead Digitalization of the Transport System Speaker
Christiane Behrisch
Christiane Behrisch Landeshauptstadt München Urban Logistics Coordinator Speaker
Darío Moreno Lerga
Darío Moreno Lerga Ayuntamiento de Sagunto Law and Business Administration and Management Speaker

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

06-11-2024 17:20 06-11-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Future challenges and opportunities for city logistics

discussion exploring the future of urban logistics organisation models.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
17:20h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

World Smart City Awards Ceremony

06-11-2024 18:00 06-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid World Smart City Awards Ceremony Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
18:00h - 18:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Thu 07

The various aspects of safety in mobility

Julien Chamussy
Julien Chamussy Fluctuo President / CEO / Owner Speaker
Sara Adhitya
Sara Adhitya PEARL, University College London Senior Research Fellow Speaker

#Innovation for Mobility Safety, #Measuring and Addressing Road Injuries and Fatalities, #Mobility Safety Policy, #Safety Across Modes, #Safety for All

07-11-2024 09:30 07-11-2024 09:50 Europe/Madrid The various aspects of safety in mobility

Presentation of solutions to improve mobility safety across modes.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
09:30h - 09:50h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Electromovilidad en LATAM – Conectado América

Rodrigo Salcedo Campino
Rodrigo Salcedo Campino Asociación de Vehículos Eléctricos de Chille President Speaker
Andres Barentin Calvo
Andres Barentin Calvo Asociación de Vehículos Eléctricos de Chille - Dhemax Director Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Batteries, #Energy Transition

07-11-2024 09:45 07-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Electromovilidad en LATAM – Conectado América

Con el aumento del interés global en reducir la huella de carbono y promover un ambiente más sostenible, es crucial adaptar nuestra infraestructura a vehículos eléctricos y sostenibles. Destacar la importancia de integrar políticas y tecnologías avanzadas en nuestras carreteras para garantizar su seguridad y conectividad, enfocándose en la movilidad eléctrica.

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora

Innovations and investments to reduce urban mobility safety risks

Arno Wolter
Arno Wolter Initiative for safer roads President / CEO / Owner Speaker
Luuk Misdom
Luuk Misdom City of Helmond Senior Project Manager for Smart Mobility Speaker
Laura Galea
Laura Galea Transport Malta Assistant Manager Speaker
Sanjiv Ghate
Sanjiv Ghate Mobilisights S.p.A. (the Stellantis Data as a Service Company) Speaker

#Innovation for Mobility Safety, #Measuring and Addressing Road Injuries and Fatalities, #Mobility Safety Policy, #Safety Across Modes, #Safety for All

07-11-2024 09:50 07-11-2024 10:40 Europe/Madrid Innovations and investments to reduce urban mobility safety risks

A roundtable on innovations for safer mobility.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
09:50h - 10:40h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Keynote Session

07-11-2024 11:00 07-11-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Keynote Session

More information of this session coming soon.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:00h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Trends shaping shared mobility data use

David Krieff
David Krieff EONA-X President Speaker
Josep Laborda
Josep Laborda Factual Consulting CEO Speaker

#Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Payment Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces

07-11-2024 11:30 07-11-2024 11:50 Europe/Madrid Trends shaping shared mobility data use

Insights on use cases for shared mobility data.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:30h - 11:50h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Energy perspectives on the role of data

Christina Presinger
Christina Presinger Grazer Energy Agency Speaker

#Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Payment Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces

07-11-2024 11:50 07-11-2024 12:10 Europe/Madrid Energy perspectives on the role of data

Exploring the links between data and energy

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
11:50h - 12:10h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Utilising data to serve public interests

Jussi Knuuttila
Jussi Knuuttila Forum Virium Helsinki Project Manager Speaker
Melina Kreischer
Melina Kreischer Mercedes-Benz AG Product Owner Data-driven Mobility Speaker
Pedro Moreira
Pedro Moreira City of Braga Head of the Unit of Coordination of Public Transport Speaker

#Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Payment Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces

07-11-2024 12:10 07-11-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Utilising data to serve public interests

Roundtable on the benefits of data and data sharing for better mobility.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
12:10h - 13:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Lean innovation: the way forward for urban mobility procurement?

#Innovation procurement, #Mobility transition, #Net-zero cities, #Public private partnerships

07-11-2024 13:00 07-11-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Lean innovation: the way forward for urban mobility procurement?

Technological innovations are redefining the way people move around. From zero-emission powertrains to autonomous vehicles and AI-powered mobility solutions, innovators offer bold pathways to public and private decision-makers. In this session, speakers will reflect on the driving forces behind the mobility transition, and on the role of public procurements to foster mobility-related innovations.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
13:00h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Are these innovations worth? Controversial mobility policies and solutions.

#Public Transport

07-11-2024 13:45 07-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Are these innovations worth? Controversial mobility policies and solutions.

Explore the pros and cons of innovative mobility policies and solutions in Spain and Portugal. This session will provoke thought and discussion on topics like free public transport, micro-mobility trends, automated mobility, reversed logistics, fast fashion, and the new bike insurance law. Engage with experts to understand the implications and pathways forward.

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora

Navigating the diverse landscape of shared micromobility

Maryna Pobudzei
Maryna Pobudzei University of the Bundeswehr Munich Speaker
Luís Caldas
Luís Caldas CeNTI Product Designer Speaker

#E-scooters, #Insurance and Liability, #Light Electric Vehicles, #Mobility Service Providers, #Shared Mobility

07-11-2024 13:45 07-11-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid Navigating the diverse landscape of shared micromobility

Insights into the different operational contexts and challenges of shared micromobility

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
13:45h - 14:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes

Exploring the potential and future applications of micromobility services

Christy Pearson
Christy Pearson Micromobility for Europe Speaker
Tiina Ruohonen
Tiina Ruohonen City of Oslo Project Coordinator MOVE21 Speaker
Gorka Pradas
Gorka Pradas FEVEMP - Federación Española de Vehículos de Movilidad Personal Vice President Speaker

#E-scooters, #Insurance and Liability, #Light Electric Vehicles, #Mobility Service Providers, #Shared Mobility

07-11-2024 14:15 07-11-2024 15:15 Europe/Madrid Exploring the potential and future applications of micromobility services

Discussion on the current and future role of micromobility in urban mobility systems.

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
14:15h - 15:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes


We're celebrating #MobilityWeek with 25% off all passes until 22 Sept. Grab yours today!
