Challenge worth 200,000€ launched to improve the bus network service in the city

Challenge closed!

Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility is the urban mobility Living Lab powered by Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Institute of Technology for the Habitat, supported by Fira de Barcelona. It aims to boost the implementation of innovative projects and pilot tests in smart and sustainable urban mobility.

The Lab will define a series of challenges in order to spark innovation and attract disruptive solutions related to the mobility sector. The second challenge has been now launched – with an allocation of 200,000€ in prizes. Take a read and submit your application for the chance to get your project funded and tested in Barcelona!

CHALLENGE #2. Improving Barcelona's bus network

Barcelona’s public bus network strives to be more efficient, safe, sustainable, equitable and functional. We seek the best solutions to tackle this challenge!

Solutions submitted should be linked at least with one of the following lines of action:

Improvement of
user experience

Upgrade the overall experience of bus users by promoting behavioural or technological transformations both in buses and in the rest of the infrastructure that makes up the network.

Improvement of
travel efficiency

Optimise the efficiency of the city’s bus service to reduce travel times and improve interoperability, as well as enhance the integration with other types of transport in the city.

Bus service optimization through autonomus vehicles

Develop and optimize technologies that improve the performance associated with autonomous driving buses, as well as initiatives to promote its adoption.

What will winning proposals gain?

• A budget allocation of up to 100,000€ for each selected proposal

• An 18-month timeframe for implementation

• The chance to test the project in a real environment to achieve a measurable impact

• Possibility of a working space at Fira de Barcelona

• The opportunity to present the solution at Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress (Barcelona, 5-7 November 2024)


The challenge is now closed. Many thanks to all those who submitted entries for this call.

25 proposals from 11 countries were submitted for the 2nd challenge of the Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility:

  • Canada
  • Norway
  • Brazil
  • Spain
  • Swiss
  • South Korea
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • USA
  • Sweden
  • Türkiye


After a highly competitive call, we now have the winners of our 2nd challenge!
Congratulations to this edition’s outstanding entries.



BusPas aims to transform existing bus stop infrastructure with Smart Sign technology, providing real-time auditory and visual information and improving the waiting experience. The solution generates valuable data for public transport and urban planning through AI.


Hayden AI

HaydenAI uses computer vision and 5G connectivity to identify traffic violations in bus lanes and stops, enhancing public transport efficiency. The system is installed inside the bus, protecting it from weather and vandalism while maintaining complete recording accuracy. The high-performance license plate readers and high-definition cameras ensure precise recordings from the bus windshield.

